Missing Copies of the Omineca Herald

On the 11th or possibly the 25th of July, 1908, the first edition of the Omineca Herald was published in Hazelton, on the Skeena River in Northern British Columbia. In 1912, the press moved across the Bulkley River to New Hazelton, where it remained until it moved to Terrace in 1949. Although first published in July, 1908, the first currently existing edition was published on September 12, 1908 (Vol.1. No.10). Copies published after that date are on microfilm at the British Columbia Archives in Victoria. Copies of pre-World War editions are online in the Open Collections at the University of British Columbia Library. Where, though, are the missing copies? Did the missing July to September 1908 copies in fact survive somewhere? On some archive shelf, perhaps? Or in a box in someone’s attic?